A natural healthy green lawn is possible with out the use of any harsh toxic chemicals. Three are a lot of services out there that are using these chemicals and surely they are effective at killing insects and weeds-but at what cost ?

I like to start folks out with 1 to 2 Aerations (1 spring and 1 fall) per year and 1 spring or 1 fall fertilizer application and and an organic pre-emergent weed control application in the spring (same time that the Forstyhia are blooming)
I am a minimalist when it comes to lawn care. Some commercial operators put people on a schedule to apply harmful insecticides, herbicides and fungicides up to 6 times per year ! This, I believe, can be wasteful, unnecessary and harmful to the environment.

Disclaimer: If you are looking for a "golf course" like formal lawn ASAP then I am probably NOT your man for the job. Building the soil up and growing strong turf can take a bit longer and there may be some weeds that sneak in-So I just try to be upfront about that with everyone. My approach is holistic and aims at building up soil fertility so that the turf is strong and can withstand drought, pests, weeds etc...
A good starting point is to have a soil test conducted. I offer this service and I recommend it as a good starting point to get a baseline of information.
4 Basic Guidelines for a healthy safe lawn:
1) Set mower high 2.5-3.5" - taller grass helps to shade out weeds
2) Leave grass clippings on lawn-its good organic matter to help build up the soil
3) If you need to water lawn-water deeply and infrequently. Early Morning time is best. (5 or 6 am)
4) If, after having a soil test, your lawn could benefit from fertilizer application. Use a natural organic product and or compost.
Here is a short video (3 minutes) on Organic Lawn Care:
Aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere. Practically speaking, aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve natural soil aeration. It’s commonly called “core aeration” in the lawn service industry, and you may have heard of it as soil cultivation (coring, spiking and slicing). Most homeowners simply call it aeration.
Core aeration can help make your lawn healthier and reduce its maintenance requirements through these means:
Improved air exchange between the atmosphere and soil.
Enhanced soil water uptake.
Improved fertilizer uptake and use.
Reduced water runoff and puddling.
Stronger turfgrass roots.
Reduced soil compaction.
Enhanced drought and heat stress tolerance.
Improved cushioning and resiliency
Enhanced thatch breakdown

aeration lawn care
Compost is decomposed organic material. Compost is made with material such as leaves, shredded twigs, and kitchen scraps from plants. To homeowners, compost is considered "black gold" because of its many benefits in the lawn, shrubs, trees and garden. Compost is a great material for garden and lawn soil !
We deliver and apply compost to lawns as part of our soil fertility boost program.

Top dressing the lawn with compost is a great way to help in the following ways
-Builds Soil Fertility
-Helps to break down thatch
-Enhances soils resistance to disease and pests
-Stimulates root growth
I encourage most homeowners to consider installing their own personal compost bin/area in their yard. Its very easy and simple to maintain. Im happy to help you set one up.
Here are a few examples of ways you can compost:
(Click on Image to see Photo Gallery)

Scott Harrington Landscape and Tree Service, LLC
Middleton, Wisconsin